Saturday, November 17, 2007

What is the problem?

Well good question mate.

There are plenty of issues people are facing with. I am not going to release all the problems people are having with this game. But believe me, there are plenty of problems with Crysis.

Because i have the Server Authentication Failed - problem, i want to gather all information about exactly this situation. I know there are lots of other players who have this problem too. Hopefully this blog will give you the information you are looking for.


Anonymous said...


I'm having the same problem: "server authentication failed". EA sent me the same form letter.

However, I noticed on EA's site that they have a post about some cd-keys not working properly:

I submitted it in my request and their support just ignored it. I've resubmitted asking if my keys is one of those affected.

maxtuska said...

Thanks for posting this. I did the same if that would help this problem.

Take care!

Anonymous said...

I'm having this same problem. My multiplayer worked the first few days, and then simply stopped. Now I always get the *server authentification failed* error. I did uninstall the demo, but I can't imagine why that would be the cause. The best part is that I have SEVERAL notices from EA (i bought online) telling me to NEVER give ANYONE my key, and that they will never ask for it. Funny that they then ask for it on that link. What a bunch of clowns. If this were any onther product I would simply return it - which is my right, cause it DOESN't WORK!.