Saturday, November 17, 2007

First patch out in 7-14 days

First news about Crysis patch

According to irc interview hosted by inCrysis and Nvidia the first patch will be out in 7-14 days. Cevat Yerli, CEO of Crytek and Roy Taylor, Vice President of Content Relations at NVIDIA confirmed the fact that the patch is scheduled.

warfjm: When can we expect the first patch to release?

Cevat: We are collecting up all the user feedback now and planning patches that will address as much as possible as fast as possible. The first patch will be out in 7-14 days.

Source :

Other Source :


hispeed said...

tyvm for this blog -- now I have a place to track this f&$&%*&^(*^)&* problem!

OMG I'd get fired on my day job for this kind of blunder that EA/Crytek has imposed on so many.

maxtuska said...

np. mate. Now i am connected to different network. Time to confirm if the router / port - setups are causing my problems.

I am pretty sure it is not related to those, but i have to check it out.

Take care!